Friday, April 27, 2012

Decepta-Crons: New Project

Well my first wave of necrons are on there way, so I have begun to start the finalization of my army design.  I decided to do the Crons this go round as Decepta-crons. Being a huge fan of the transformers I think this will be a lot of fun. I have also decided to convert my own version of Destroyers out of DE bikes making them into my own version of bike riding Junktacons. I feel that will fall with the fluff a bit better than what they have currently. The decepta-cron warriors will also have wings made from plasticard and some will be featured "hovering" as did the bots from G1 and instead of green for weapons and such I will be using a purple glowing effect. I should be able to do some reports on the army soon I do have 2 more armies to complete before I get a chance to sit down and do anything besides the basic build process. Well until next time this is Tanksmasher your Honorary Pro painting Horseman.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Golden Demon

This year I have decided to enter my first golden demon competition. I will be entering 2 categories Best 40k unit and either best Fantasy regiment or lord of the rings group. Any suggestions on what units you'd like to see represented? I plan on doing a progress report on each step of what I try. Till next time this is T4nksmasher your friendly neighborhood painting freak.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Fun with Eldar list creation!

Here is a list that I threw together with a few spare moments today.  I have always liked the thought of a mostly Wraithguard army.  List is below, let me know what you think in the comments.  Yes, this list will never be made by me, until wraithguard are released in plastic, lol.


HQ (155pts)

  • Prince Yriel (155pts)

Elites (80pts)

  • Howling Banshees (80pts)
5x Howling Banshee (80pts)

Troops (1341pts)

  • Guardian Jetbikes (66pts)
3x Jetbike (66pts)
  • Guardian Jetbikes (66pts)
3x Jetbike (66pts)
  • Guardian Jetbikes (66pts)
3x Jetbike (66pts)
  • Wraithguard (Troops) (381pts)
10x Wraithguard (350pts)
    • Spiritseer (31pts)
  • Wraithguard (Troops) (381pts)
10x Wraithguard (350pts)
    • Spiritseer (31pts)
  • Wraithguard (Troops) (381pts)
10x Wraithguard (350pts)
    • Spiritseer (31pts)

Heavy Support (420pts)

  • Wraithlord (140pts)
Bright Lance (40pts), Flamer and Shuriken Catapult, Wraithsword (10pts)
  • Wraithlord (140pts)
Bright Lance (40pts), Flamer and Shuriken Catapult, Wraithsword (10pts)
  • Wraithlord (140pts)
Bright Lance (40pts), Flamer and Shuriken Catapult, Wraithsword (10pts)

Release the Kraken!

Details have been released for the Cryx flavor of Colossal, the KRAKEN!  Looks like a great centerpiece model, and who doesn't love an infernal machine that feeds on flesh to power itself!  Take a gander at the video above.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Four Horsemen Warmachine Update Part Deux

Good morning all.

Throatpunch here with another update on Warmachine here with the Four Horsemen. I stopped by Tempest Games as I received some surprise birthday money in the mail, and was pleasantly surprised that there was a cross store Tournament going on.  Patrons of Tempest Games from Cedar Rapids IA, Battlezone Games Cedar Rapids IA, and Critical Hit from Ottumwa IA met up to do furious battle!  I was really impressed with the turn out, I only wish that I had known about the tourney ahead of time, as I had the whole day freed up for gaming, but things didn't shake out. 

While I was there I was able to pick up The Witch Coven of Garlghast, Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Derlyiss , a Reaper Helljack, and the Withershadow Combine character unit.  I now have quite a few caster options to choose from, and can't wait to get some games in to do some playtesting.  Just a few more pieces needed now to fit what I imagine my playstyle will be with Cryx, and this army will be done.

I also was able to get some good assembly time in.  Everything I have for Cryx is now assembled and awaiting primer.   I began assembling the 2 Player Battle box, all Menoth Jacks are done, along with the caster, and one of the troops.  4 troops left to go for Menoth, and then I will begin assembling Khador.  Once this is all done, it will be back to finishing the assembly on my Necrons!

How was your weekend?  Get any gaming or hobby time in?  Please share in the comments below!